The results of experimental studies on the purification of sugar beet seeds from wild radish on electromagnetic seed cleaning machines

G Golovchenko
1970 Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes  
The paper considers issues related to the purification of sugar beet seeds from wild radish depending on the supply of magnetic powder with mixing of the starting material with magnetic powder in an electromagnetic seed cleaning machine. The flow chart of the operation of an electromagnetic seed cleaning machine is presented, the results of experiments on enveloping seeds of sugar beet and wild radish with magnetic powder are presented, the distribution of wild radish seeds in the outputs
more » ... ing on the supply of magnetic powder is presented, and graphical dependences on the content of wild radish in some operating modes of the electromagnetic seed cleaning machine are constructed. The analysis of the got dependences showed that minimum content of wild radish answered the serve of magnetic powder 2, 2 %. The results of the experiments show that, according to the content of wild radish in sugar beets, they can satisfy yields (II + III) in some modes. When applying magnetic powder of 3.6% and the position of the receiver flaps on division 5, the content of wild radish can be reduced to 39 pcs. in one kilogram of sugar beets with a seed yield of 88%. A greater decrease in the content of wild radish (up to 26 - 28 pcs.) Can be achieved by feeding magnetic powder 2, 2% and the positions of the dampers on divisions 2,5 and 5 with a seed yield of 80,6 – 84,9%, as well as by feeding magnetic 3,6% powder when the position of the receiver dampers is 2,5 and the seed yield is 82,5%.
doi:10.32845/msnau.2019.4.4 fatcat:w7hrfeh2bjfg5fmufhjyumjqri