Starformation in a pair of interacting galaxies [thesis]

Mehdi Jahanmiri
The work presented in this report addresses the problem of triggering of the star formation within interacting galaxies, caused by the gravitational interaction. U BV RI two-colour diagrams have been used to detect the sites of activity within the interacting pair of galaxies NGO 7733/34. The theoretically computed relation for star clusters has been used to infer the lifetime of the star formation for those regions. The results seems to indicate the presence of numerous young star-forming
more » ... ns in the disk of one of the two galaxies, ie: NGO, 7734, which have lifetimes of the order of 10 8 yr and are expected to have been triggered by the interaction, while the star formation in the other galaxy does not seem to have had a violent history since the start of the interaction. The nuclei of both galaxies are also considered either not to have been sites of extensive star formation activities in the past 10 8 yr , or their light is highly reddened by the dust present around them. The report also reviews the subject of starburst phenomenon and its observational detection, and the construction of theoretical models which predict the integrated colours of the starburst regions and galaxies.
doi:10.26190/unsworks/9087 fatcat:mwexi3ohfjc2dhpdnbk4h7b6ve