The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
The U n iversity Sa fe ty Council, meeting with the Austin Sa fe ty Council last night, sought removal of street ca'* tra c k ' on ^Guadalupe Street in the vicin ity o i\ h e U n i versity, construction ® L j * ' tunnel ^ f a]] season last night over under the street for the safety of featuring two well-known pedestrian., and solution of' the Spe»kers in a five-minute student? automobile parking * , " , verbal battle. Jam es Dibrell, problem. ] Jo h n Conically, president of the " F u ro r of
more » ... udatenland, offtcig tu dents' A n o cia tio n and ex-of-ally delivered his ultimatum conficio member of the safety group, presided over the join t session which was enlivened by outbursts regarding hazards to which the U n iv e rs ity 's 10,000 students are submitted as they cross streets adjacent to the campus. A lb ert Boggess, president; Fred Leser, George Nalle, Dr. Louis Joughin, and Donald H ill, executive secre tary, represented the Austin S a fe ty Council. , Member? of the U n iversity council present were Tid Lip s comb, Louise Johnson, P a t O 'K eefe, P a t Daniels, ex-officio member, and C onvally. M ack grave terms, was: Prom the of-W as se ll, chairman, was not able fice of 'The M inister of State' to attend. I conies the reliable but unofficial The session bogan with a ti-rc.port that no attem pt will he rade from C onnally regarding the ma(j e to prevent the secession of Dibrell Delivers Ultimatum by Air The Texan Hour inaugurated cerning withdrawal of " Studaten-; land" from the Students' Associa tion to the student body presi dent, John Connally. Addressing Connally, Dibrell said, " I f you attempt to restrain our movements we w ill be forced to take immediate m ilitary action.
doi:10.26153/tsw/25192 fatcat:bwtj4c4glvawhev4aakw7akkom