Sensitometry of Diazo Papers (III)
ジアゾ感光紙のセンシトメトリー (第3報)

1963 The Journal of The Society of Scientific Photography of Japan  
Spectral sensitivity measurements are described below of 10 diazo papers available on the market. These include 4 general moisture, 4 gas developing types and 2 new high speed types. Exposure method used in these measurements is time scale exposure with monochromatic light by combination of xenon compact arc lamp and grating monochromator. Results are summerised below: 1. Normal moisture type diazo papers have two peaks responses in their sensitivity region. Wavelength os these peaks are
more » ... mately 4000-4050Aand 3300A. 2. Maximum sensitivity wavelength of gas diazo papers is approximately 3900-3950A. 3. Sensitivity region of high speed moisture type diazo papers is narrower than general type, and maximum sensitivity wavelength are 4100-4200A.. 4. In longer wavelength side of the foregoing, spectral sensitivity of these diazo papers has conformed to spectral absorption characteristics of each coated sensitive material solution.
doi:10.11454/photogrst1934.26.4_179 fatcat:qvw56mnpz5az7jhph4g75cqb5u