Some companions of perturbed Ostrowski-type inequalities based on the quadratic kernel function with three sections and applications

Wenjun Liu, Yiting Zhu, Jaekeun Park
2013 Journal of Inequalities and Applications  
In this paper, based on the quadratic kernel function with three sections, which was defined by Liu in 2009, we establish some companions of perturbed Ostrowski-type inequalities for the case when The special cases of these results offer better estimation than the conventional trapezoidal formula and the midpoint formula. The results we get can apply to composite quadrature rules in numerical integration and probability density functions. The effectiveness of these applications is also
more » ... ed through several specific examples due to better error estimates. MSC: 26D15; 41A55; 41A80; 65C50
doi:10.1186/1029-242x-2013-226 fatcat:lapcqmphg5exhfrz6upnmkhv6e