Thera-Network: A Wearable Computing Network to Motivate Exercise in Patients Undergoing Physical Therapy

J.C. Kimel
25th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops  
There is a growing field of smart medical devices for home use. The Thera-Network is designed for patients under the care of a physical therapist. A 2004 survey by the author notes that motivation and regulation are the largest deterrents for patients participating in a course of at home exercise between therapy sessions. With the Thera-Network, motivation is offered through an on-line buddy network, and regulation occurs through distant monitoring by physical therapists between sessions. This
more » ... evice is designed for patients recovering from various types of temporary knee pain and is currently in the prototype phase. The goal of this technology, is to hasten the healing process through better patient-therapist communication and a networked support system. Insurance companies also stand to benefit from the system. Therapists can easily monitor their patient leading to patients that are more likely to adhere to their home-exercise program; all reducing time from injury to wellness.
doi:10.1109/icdcsw.2005.135 dblp:conf/icdcsw/Kimel05 fatcat:23wt5pg4gzdifetoiedznyz7za