Measuring the Purpose Strength [chapter]

Alvaro Lleo, Carlos Rey, Nuria Chinchilla
2019 Purpose-driven Organizations  
In the preceding chapters, a new logic for the twenty-first-century organization was proposed-the logic of leading based on a shared and common business purpose, one that captures the mind, captivates the heart, and guides the day-to-day routines of every individual in the organization. In view of this new logic, though, the question becomes, how are leaders to assess whether or not the purpose of the business is truly common and deeply shared? To be able to answer such questions, it is crucial
more » ... we have a perspective that allows for the gathering of our employees' thoughts and feelings, a system that assesses the organization's health, and its areas for improvement upon which to base our actions. These actions will be the more effective the better the assessment systems in which we make our diagnosis. It is not only about measuring discreet variables, but also knowing how they are related to each other,
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-17674-7_10 fatcat:wyxyczqejnhwla56mp3n4dff2q