A Model for Extraction of Spatially Resolved Data from Impedance Spectrum of a PEM Fuel Cell

Tatyana Reshetenko, Andrei Kulikovsky
2018 Journal of the Electrochemical Society  
We report a novel approach to processing of impedance spectra of a PEM fuel cell. We split the cell into N virtual segments and let each segment to have its own set of transport and kinetic parameters. The impedance of a single segment is calculated using our recent physics-based impedance model; the segments are "linked" by equation for the oxygen mass balance in the cathode channel transporting the local phase and amplitude information from one segment to another. Thanks to this transport,
more » ... total cell impedance contains information on the local transport and kinetic properties of the cell. We show that fitting the model cell impedance to the experimental spectra yields the parameters of individual segments, i.e., the shape of the cell physical parameters along the cathode channel.
doi:10.1149/2.0511805jes fatcat:sk23z2cypfbvdipp7dilwtctkq