Research on An Outer Bound of Achievable Secrecy Rate Region for BCE
Yan Zhu, Xiao Chen, Yongkai Zhou, Fangbiao Li, Zhi Xue
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
The security performance problems of broadcast channel with an eavesdropper (BCE) have been studied for many years in the field of communication. Many articles have given the meaningful results. However, almost no consequent of an outer bound on BCE has been given by previous work, especially, no significant results has been given. So this paper proposes and proves an outer bound of BCE by using information entropy, and further proves this outer bound is tight in the cut-set bound by max-flow
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... n-cut theorem. It illustrates the outer bound is meaningful. Finally, by contrasting a variety of existing results, we can get that the outer bound in this paper include (tight) in the existing outer bound of BCE in the case of not considering the eavesdropper. This paper considers the broadcast channel with eavesdropper (BCE). The achievable security rate region of BCE was first proposed by Ghadamali Bagherikaram et al. in [5] and [6] . We focus on proving the achievable security rate region which has been proposed in the following part of this paper. The remaining paper is organized as follows. System model will be described in Section 2. Section 3 will then focus on the proposal and certification for an outer bound of achievable security rate region of BCE. Through comparing the cut-set bound by max-flow min-cut theorem, we will elaborate and prove the significance of the outer bound in section 4. Section 5 will give the consequence analysis of contrasting the existing outer bound of BCE in the case of not considering the eavesdropper. The conclusion will be given in Section 6. Concrete proof will be completed in the appendix. Authors Yan Zhu, he is a Ph.D. student in the Electronic, Information and Electrical Engineering School at Shanghai Jiaotong University. His research interests include information theory, coding for communications systems, physical layer security and wireless communication security. Xiao Chen, he is a Ph.D. student in the Electronic, Information and Electrical Engineering School at Shanghai Jiaotong University. His research interests include information theory, coding for communications systems, physical layer security and wireless communication security. Yongkai Zhou, he is a Ph.D. student in the Electronic, Information and Electrical Engineering School at Shanghai Jiaotong University. His research interests include information theory, coding for communications systems, physical layer security and wireless communication security. Fangbiao Li, he is a Ph.D. student in the Electronic, Information and Electrical Engineering School at Shanghai Jiaotong University. His research interests include information theory, coding for communications systems, physical layer security and wireless communication security. Zhi Xue, he received the B.Tech. Degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University. He went to the United States for cooperation in scientific research at Bell Labs as a visiting scholar in 1997. Then he received Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University where he is a Professor and Doctoral Tutor. Currently, he is the vice president of Information Security Engineering School in Shanghai Jiaotong University. His research interests include information theory, coding for communications systems, physical layer security and wireless communication security.