Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Tl2TiS4 : Ein Perthiotitanat(IV) mit ∞1-[TiS4 2-]-Ketten Preparation and Crystal Structure of Tl2TiS4 : A Perthiotitanate(IV) with ∞1-[TiS4 2-]-Chains

Kurt O. Klepp
1985 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
Tl2TiS4 is orthorhombic, space group Pbca, with a = 22.176(7), b = 9.484(4), c = 6.3977(9) Å, Z = 8. The crystal structure was solved by direct methods and refined to a conventional R of0.058 for 704 reflections with I ≥3σ(I). The crystal structure is characterized by infinite perthioanions, ∞1-[TiS 4/2 (S2)2- ], which are separated by Tl+ -cations. The anion chains are built up by distorted octahedra which share two skew edges to form infinite cis-chains running along [001], The two unshared
more » ... atoms of each octahedron are connected via a S -S-single bond of 2.10 Å length. The crystal structure is described as a mixed packing of TI-and S-atoms, composed of puckered TlS2 -layers, in which the Ti-atoms occupy the octahedral interstices. The relationship of the ∞1-[TiS42- -]-chains to the anionic groups of Cs2TiS3 is discussed.
doi:10.1515/znb-1985-0214 fatcat:yo5xadbajjdypcjuffmjv5snn4