C-1-1 Notch-filter Design Method for Positioning Servo considering Mechanical Resonant Mode Change
C-1-1 機構共振変化を考慮した位置決め制御系ノッチフィルタの設計手法(情報・精密機器のサーポ・スマート制御,口頭発表)

Masaki ODAI, Hironori OGAWA, Tomohiro INOUE
2013 The Proceedings of the Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment : IIP  
In a precision positioning stage of an electronic device manufacturing equipment , the mechanical resonanI mode changes during transference or re − assembling ofthe equipment , We propose a notch filter design method in this paper that suppresses the posltioning performance change by focusing on the mechanical resonant mode change . This method is also effective at suppressing the servo characteristic difference caused by the positioning coordinate in stages that have a large movable range . We
more » ... conducted simulations to confirm that the positioning performance when the mechanical rcsonant mode changes . It was Iess than 3% that the difference between the original performancc and one which was using this method .
doi:10.1299/jsmeiip.2013.55 fatcat:mtplzplonvcphbzi2szc23azue