The forming of regional identity and identity of regions in Czechia – introduction to the research on the impact of second housing and tourism

Dana Fialová, Pavel Chromý, Zdeněk Kučera, Jana Spilková, Přemysl Štych, Jiří Vágner
2021 Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica  
The article develops general theoretical discussion on researches on second housing as well as concepts of the new regional, new cultural and behavioral geographies. The major focus is given on theoretical and methodological background of the process of formation of regional identity and identity of regions in the areas with considerable concentration of settlements and municipalities with prevailing tourist function. It deals with identification of the inner development potential of localities
more » ... and regions from socioeconomic and sociocultural views. Both identity of regions (their outer and inner image) and appurtenance of residents and tourists (second home owners) with the territory is emphasized. The key objective is to support and explain possible behavioral approaches in the research of the impact of second housing and tourism activities in the forming of regional identity and identity of the regions.
doi:10.14712/23361980.2015.56 fatcat:jk3tiz5f5be4vi6jd3yzz6swv4