A needs assessment report on virtual collaborative teaching and learning in Albania [report]

Besarta Vladi, Esmir Demaj, Benita Stavre, Klodiana Leka, Mimoza Priku, Altin Idrizi
2020 Zenodo  
This needs assessment report is based on the finding from different resources and used tools, specifically: desk research, baseline reports and online survey run at Albanian partner institutions. Data collection as well as the processing and reporting procedure, were run coordinated by the Albanian partner institutions and the work was by the European University of Tirana. Additionally, EU partners have been actively involved in the implementation of these tasks and have provided with extensive
more » ... support in improving the quality of the work package deliverables. Quality Assurance was provided by the Quality Plan work package leader, the International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4290969 fatcat:tfqdz5nfrnhyln2j4zivra7g3y