Effect of Multi Mentoring Educational Method on Clinical Competence of Nursing Students

Hossein Abadi, Gholami, Biranvand Sh, Tarvedian, Anbari Kh, Hosseinabadi, Gholami, Biranvand Sh, Tarverdian, Anbarikh
2015 J Med Edu Dev   unpublished
Mentoring, as a strategy, plays an important role in professional development of nursing students. Hence, this study was aimed to determine the effect of multi-mentoring educational method on clinical competencies of 8 th term nursing students. Methods: In this intervention study, all of 8 th term nursing students of Khorramabad school of nursing in two consecutive term were selected through census method and divided into two groups of mentorship and control(routine) trough simple random
more » ... The subjects in the mentorship group completed their field training with corporation of two mentors. The subjects in the control group done their training in the presence of a full-time instructor. Nursing student's clinical competence was measured before and 10 weeks after the intervention using the 6-dimension scale of clinical competencies. Furthermore, the mentor-ship group in regard with the study date were analyzed using descriptive statistics and T-test. Findings: The results of paired t-test demo instructed a significant difference in the sub-score of teaching-collaboration and total score of clinical competence (p<0.05), whereas no significant difference was observed in the total score of clinical competence and its sub-scales in the control group(p>0.05). Moreover, significant difference was reported in the scores of planning/evaluation of nursing care, interpersonal relationship s well as total score of clinical competence between the two groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: The finding of this study revealed that implementing multi-mentoring method can result in promoting nursing student's clinical competence and increasing their satisfaction with the course.