Numerical Analysis Research of Jacking Method with the Rectification on Steel-Concrete Buildings

Renliang Shan, Xiaonan Zhang, Man Lu, Hongyu Zhao, Xuguang Li
2016 Open Civil Engineering Journal  
This paper first analyzes the tilting reasons of a steel-concrete building in Zhangjiakou city in China. Then, a jacking rectification method which combines the pie-cutting method and the excavation of stress release trench was put forward. This analysis method uses the three-dimensional numerical simulation for soil settlement and vertical displacement and internal force of upper structure in order to assure the safety of the building in the process of rectifying. The analysis case showed that
more » ... the inclination rate of the building was stable in the process of cutting pie, which proved the efficiency of the proposed method.
doi:10.2174/1874149501610010223 fatcat:lfpcsa4vurdftolv4dn2fxdxgy