Strings attached: Socioemotional wealth mixed gambles in the cash management choices of family firms

Domenico Rocco Cambrea, Yuliya Ponomareva, Daniel Pittino, Alessandro Minichilli
2021 The Journal of Family Business Strategy  
We take a closer look at this distinctive aspect by examining the impact of family control and influence dimension of SEW on the cash management choices of family firms, conceptualizing it as a mixed gamble choice. Our empirical analysis of 195 Italian firms listed on the Milan Stock Exchange between 2003 and 2015 shows that family firms derive more value and incur lower costs than nonfamily firms when they increase their cash holdings. We then delve deeper into family firms' cash management
more » ... ices by exploring how different levels of family control and influence as well as types of board governance arrangements moderate this relationship. The empirical results indicate that the positive effects of family ownership are more pronounced under a high level of family control and influence and with separation of the board chair and CEO positions.
doi:10.1016/j.jfbs.2021.100466 fatcat:l6rprvxqsjeyhp2owyuxlj3tqi