Impact of an APT01 Compost on Quality Improving of the Anna Apple (Age of the Plant 8.0-8.5 Years)

Arief Budiono, Sandra Santosa, Eko Naryono
2020 Zenodo  
Abstract— This study aims to analyze the effect of theAPT01compost as the soil organic matter to the apple crop production (Malus sylvestris) at harvest time (SPN).The experiment was carried out according to completely randomized factorial design with the amount of mud cake that was fermented for two weeks by APT01 as bio-catalyst. The experiment was conducted in a treeation area of 400 square meters. The amount of the APT01compost as much as 20, 30, and 40 kg per tree was applied a day after
more » ... foliation. A total of 48 apple trees aged about 8.0-8.5 years with a distance between trees 2-3 meters were randomly selected. Observations made during fruit growth took 5-6 months after giving the APT01compost at harvest (SPN).The parameters measured were the number and weight of fruit per tree. Results were analyzed variance, two-way ANOVA with interaction (α = 0.05), using Microsoft Excel. The results of variance analysis concluded that : (1) The addition of 20, 30, and 40 kg of APT01 compost per tree, shows significant differences (α = 0.05) on the amount of fruit production on SPN, (2) The addition of 30 and 40 kg of APT01 compost has an impact on increasing the quality of fruit from grade C (12-15fruits per kg) to grade AB (10-11 fruits per kg).
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3969677 fatcat:hmttejeio5dxxoomxh5m4u73yq