Nasir a
2019 International Journal of Advanced Research  
Nowadays, according to the extent and variety of changes inflicted on the body of the organizations, they have found to deal with the changes that so have faced, They Should be associated with the new compounds of their existing resources to provide new competitive advantages and this is why the importance of creative staffing and innovative human resources and the entrepreneurs of organization have become more prominent. Since university education as the main custodians of HR professionals
more » ... a vital role in society, entrepreneurship consideration in this matter will help the organization to develop better and in the meantime, the social capital and pay special attention to it, is a crucial factor in achieving organizational goals and in order to promote and facilitate the organization of programs is important which the processes of innovation, creativity and collective learning are affected by it , and it's easy to achieve .This study is about relationship between the social capita and entrepreneurship in Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah. Staff and faculty members of Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah have formed Statistical Society in this study. And among them, 210 persons are selected as the study sample. Analysis of the research model and hypotheses testing were performed by using structural equation approach , as well as, confirmatory factor analysis and Path analysis diagram was performed by using LISREL software , and the results showed that there is a significant relationship between social capital (Structural, cognitive and relational) and entrepreneurship.
doi:10.21474/ijar01/8755 fatcat:npnof3dvsnhyvk5olquaozrpti