Sampling parts of random integer partitions: a probabilistic and asymptotic analysis

Ljuben Mutafchiev
2015 Pure Mathematics and Applications  
Let λ be a partition of the positive integer n, selected uniformly at random among all such partitions. Corteel et al. (1999) proposed three different procedures of sampling parts of λ at random. They obtained limiting distributions of the multiplicity μn = μn(λ) of the randomly-chosen part as n → ∞. The asymptotic behavior of the part size σn = σn(λ), under these sampling conditions, was found by Fristedt (1993) and Mutafchiev (2014). All these results motivated us to study the relationship
more » ... ween the size and the multiplicity of a randomly-selected part of a random partition. We describe it obtaining the joint limiting distributions of (μn; σn), as n → ∞, for all these three sampling procedures. It turns out that different sampling plans lead to different limiting distributions for (μn; σn). Our results generalize those obtained earlier and confirm the known expressions for the marginal limiting distributions of μn and σn.
doi:10.1515/puma-2015-0007 fatcat:g2nw6tdqyrboljt2hzuwdltkzq