Economic Support of the Policy of Transition to Sustainable Development of the Territories of the Russian North

Irina Politkovskaya, Daniil Khvichiya, Larisa Artamonova, S. Vöth, M. Cehlár, J. Janocko, M. Straka, D. Nuray, D. Szurgacz, M. Petrova, Y. Tan, A. Abay
2020 E3S Web of Conferences  
The role of the northern territories of the Russian Federation is explained by the presence of proven mineral reserves – up to two thirds of national minerals, including over nine tenths of natural gas, three quarters of oil, the whole diamonds deposits, eight tenths of gold. The exploitation of the northern territories of Russia acquires a special role due to the fact that the export of mineral resources brings more than two thirds of all its foreign trade income. The transition to sustainable
more » ... development for the Russian North means resolving old and new problems associated with environmental degradation and the infringement of the interests of local minorities. The problem of transition to sustainable development is especially acute in oil and gas producing regions, where economic, social and environmental issues are closely related. Sustainable development of resource regions of the Russian North is possible only with the active support of the state, subject to the creation and consistent implementation of a regional policy for sustainable development, which. This article formulates the main directions of the state policy for the transition to sustainable development of the northern territories, contributing to the achievement of the strategic goals of balanced and socially responsible subsoil use.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202017404047 fatcat:uuakgzrndfh47g7tenagi3ikqi