An algorithm of Handwritten Digital Recognition Based on BP-Bagging

Zuojun Liu, Lihong Li, Mi Yu
2015 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation   unpublished
The handwritten number recognition algorithm based on BP-bagging generates the basic classification by BP network and generates multiple classifiers by bagging. The algorithm treats a handwritten character as an image. By scanning the images, 25 dimension features are extracted, and then compresses the 25 dimensions features into 5. The handwrite digital can be recognized by input it into BP-bagging classifier and by multiple voting integration. Proved by repeating experiments, the algorithm
more » ... rs a high recognition rate, which functions better than single classifiers and other basic classifier combination algorithm.
doi:10.2991/icitmi-15.2015.195 fatcat:ady42kfzz5bkvifivw2ecteowm