Psychology in Sports Coaching [book]

Adam R. Nicholls
2021 unpublished
The most effective coaches understand the fundamentals of sport psychology, which include interacting effectively with athletes, creating the optimal environment, assessing the psychological needs of their athletes, and providing them with the mental training required to maximise performance. Fully revised and updated, the third edition of Psychology in Sports Coaching clearly and accessibly introduces the principles and practice of sport psychology in the context of the coaching process.
more » ... g on the very latest research and theory, the book introduces the psychological tools and techniques that coaches can use to get the best performances out of their athletes. Including three new chapters on the constraints approach to assessing psychological needs, mental imagery, managing perfectionism tendencies, and mentoring leaders, the book also offers step-by-step guidance on key topics such as:
doi:10.4324/9781003201441 fatcat:wg2sevzexvfmhfzrxyg3nifg3y