Aetiology of varicosity

1972 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
We believe that the doses used in the Guy's Hospital trial are, on a priori grounds, less than optimal for the destruction of residual tumour after surgery (though lethal to lymphocytes in the regional nodes). The trial has therefore compared radical surgery plus suboptimal radiotherapy witlf partial surgery plus suboptimal radiotherapy. The results are very much as might have been predicted, certainly so far as local recurrence is concemed. It is regrettable that fuller use was not made of the
more » ... potentialities of radical radiotherapy, the application of which would have made the conclusions of the trial more meaningful, and perhaps quite different.-We are, etc., E.
doi:10.1136/bmj.2.5815.712-b fatcat:sbb5bj3najbg5jlwnyt2txe5bq