Muscle Tone Inhibitory Effects of Vibration Applied to the Tendon and Muscle Belly of the Triceps Surae

Koji NAKABAYASHI, Takayuki KODAMA, Norihisa MATSUMOTO, Hironori YAMAMOTO, Michinari NOMIYAMA, Tsuyoshi FUKURA, Satoru KAI
2012 Rigakuryoho Kagaku  
Purpose] The objective of this study was to clarify the effects of vibration stimulus at different application points on the muscle tone of skeletal muscle. [Subjects] The subjects were 15 healthy males with no history of nerve disorders in the lower limbs. [Method] We stimulated the tendon or muscle belly of the triceps surae of the left lower limb for 3 minutes with vibration of 76.6 Hz and 2 mm amplitude, and assessed the muscle tone using the Hmax: Mmax ratio, the ratio of the maximal
more » ... of the H and M waves, derived from evoked electromyograms recorded before and after the vibration application. [Results] The Hmax:Mmax ratio decreased with the application of vibration to both the tendon and muscle belly, and the decrease was greater when the vibration was applied to the tendon. [Conclusion] Irrespective of the point of application, vibration inhibited the muscle tone of skeletal muscle, suggesting vibration has an increasing role to play in the clinical setting.
doi:10.1589/rika.27.151 fatcat:wz2va3z2pvc53fs7ryrynlnbsu