Activation of JNK1, RSK2, and MSK1 Is Involved in Serine 112 Phosphorylation of Bad by Ultraviolet B Radiation

Qing-Bai She, Wei-Ya Ma, Shuping Zhong, Zigang Dong
2002 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
The Bcl-2 family member Bad is a pro-apoptotic protein, and phosphorylation of Bad by cytokines and growth factors promotes cell survival in many cell types. Induction of apoptosis by UV radiation is well documented. However, little is known about UV activation of cell survival pathways. Here, we demonstrate that UVB induces
doi:10.1074/jbc.m109907200 pmid:11983683 fatcat:65g337m23vcbpaeq5o77bjzoiy