Planning for Future Research in Public Universitities in Uncertain Times

Sally Frost Mason
2018 Merrill Series on The Research Mission of Public Universities  
Sally Frost Mason, President, the University of Iowa esearch will and must remain one of the core missions of our public universities. At the same time, public expectations-whether it's from our public citizenry or leadership-are changing regarding both what we do and how we do it. These changing expectations obviously can lead to uncertainty and challenges. But that has been the case forever, if we think about it. Today's uncertainties and challenges are not necessarily the same ones we faced
more » ... en, twenty, or a hundred years ago. But our public universities-one of the great achievements of American society-have always risen to the challenge of leading our communities, our states, our nation, and the world into new discovery. And we will continue to do so as we move further into the twenty-first century. Figure 2 Source: AAAS presentation titled "Federal R&D in FY 2015: Context, Overview, Outlook" for the Council on Government Relations, 6/12/2014.
doi:10.17161/merrill.2014.7807 fatcat:3o7g57v3ejdwjfb776lhgnggdi