Learnability of derivationally opaque processes in the Gestural Harmony Model

Caitlin Smith, Charlie O'Hara
In this paper, we examine the learnability of two apparently derivationally opaque vowel harmony patterns: attested stepwise height harmony and unattested saltatory height harmony. We analyze these patterns within the Gestural Harmony Model (Smith, 2018) and introduce a learning algorithm for setting the gestural parameters that generate these harmony patterns. Results of the learning model indicate a learning bias in favor of the attested stepwise pattern and against the unattested saltation
more » ... ttern, providing a potential explanation for the differences in attestation between these two derivationally opaque patterns.
doi:10.7275/4ydq-zb48 fatcat:kxwpwzensrg3pdh6jrd5ukat6a