Tanti Satriana R. Nasution, Purwanita Setijanti, Asri Dinapradipta, Angger Sukma Mahendra, Susetyo Firmaningtyas, Muhammad Ainul Yaqin
2018 Journal of architecture&ENVIRONMENT  
Surabaya was developed from maritime activities which lead to trade and industrial activities. These activities resulted in the forming of settlements known as kampung. Kampung became an important part in the development of a city because this area has become a place for the low and middle-income people to grow and work. However, the rapid development of Surabaya towards a more modern city brings struggle for kampungs in Surabaya to exist. Long-established kampung such as Kampung Kaliasin is
more » ... ssured by the city development as well as urban socioeconomic mobility that its condition is slowly degrading. The pressure from the surrounding environment is overwhelming not only in social and economic issues but also in environmental issues (climate, sanitation, greenings, etc.). Surabaya City Government overcomes those problems by carrying the concept of Smart City Surabaya. This paper aims to identify how the development of urban kampung, in this case Kampung Kaliasin, in the direction of Smart City Surabaya. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. The variables studied are aspects of smart city which is analysed in relation with the readiness of urban kampung that continues to develop toward Smart City Surabaya. The result shows that Kampung
doi:10.12962/j2355262x.v17i1.a3398 fatcat:6vyhfjqrbvcxtptuj6jthw6s6e