Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Event in Seonath River Basin Chhattisgarh

Shashikant Verma, Bhupendra Kumar Dhiwar
2018 International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science  
To understand the mechanism of potential hydrologic impacts of climate and land use land cover changes. In this study identified to the significant temporal trend was carried out monthly, seasonal timescales. Using the rainfall data of 39 Meteorological stations under entire seonath basin which is subdivided into five weighted stations with the help of by creating Thiessen polygon over Seonath River, Chhattisgarh state of 32 years for a period of 1980-2012. Hydro metrological variables are
more » ... sed by using a combined Mann-Kendall/Thiel-Sen slope estimator trend detection approach. The results reveal a significant decreasing trend for the month of January, February, March, and may, September, October and December for all the five gauging stations similarly the month of April, June, July, August and November show the significant increasing trend. For all the five gauging stations excluded month of January in simga gauging station shows having no trend. Whereas the trend in different seasons are follows (1) season of winter and pre-monsoon shows significant decreasing trend for all the five gauging stations and post-monsoon season andhyakore, pathridih and simga gauging stations also represents the decreasing trend and (2) the season of monsoon shows increasing trend for all the five gauging stations and seasons of winter and premonsoon of ghatora and simga stations also shows the increasing trend.
doi:10.22161/ijaers.5.1.20 fatcat:jqktj54lfzegjdb4we5mpktrxm