UC Merced Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Title Creativity Over the Lifespan in Classical Composers: Reexamining the Equal-Odds Rule Publication Date Creativity Over the Lifespan in Classical Composers: Reexamining the Equal-Odds Rule

Aaron Kozbelt, Aaron Kfdbrooklyn
2004 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society   unpublished
1-his investigatiorr extends Sintontorr's (1977) senrinal study of lif'espan crcativity to eighteen crrinent classical colnposers' total output. Major and n.tinor lvot'k pl'odttction rvas positively co|related oveI thc littspan. consistcnt with Sirnonton's clrance-contiguration theorl' of cleatir"it1". I Iolr cvcr, colltrar)' to Sirnonton's (1977) nLrll linding. here stlong. ;.rositivc. lirtear' and *eakcr, negativc, quaillatic age trcncls *'elc cclttsistentll firuncl in predicting hit ratio
more » ... oportiorr o1'nrastcrpiece-levcl nrusic to total n.tusic cotnposccl per age period). 't'his Lrni tirrnr l)' repl icated in sevet'al anzrly scs exat'n in i n g alternati vc cxplanations lor this pattern. Most irldividLral conlposers'hit ratros incleased ri ith age; none declirtecl. The t'cstllts indicate that eonrposcrs' perspicacity in evalr.rating ideas mostll incleascs * ith aqe. strggesting greiltef importance lbr er alLntion and elaborative ploblern solvirl,s proccsses lll cleatnc plotiLrctiritl than irnplicd b1 a chancc-conligttration ilcc o u lr1.