Taste profile characterization of white ginseng by electronic tongue analysis

Dong Gu Lee
2012 African Journal of Biotechnology  
We conducted taste profile analysis of white ginseng (Panax ginseng) using a taste-sensing system. Taste such as sourness, bitterness, astringent, aftertaste, umami, richness, and saltiness of the four subfractions (n-hexane fr. = Pg1; EtOAc fr. = Pg2; CHCl 3 fr. = Pg3; n-BuOH fr. = Pg4) from white ginseng was checked using an electronic tongue. The bitterness and aftertaste-B of Pg3 were perceived as significantly higher than those of the other subfractions. The sourness of Pg2 had the highest
more » ... rating compared to that of the other subfractions. The umami of Pg4 was higher than that of the other subfractions, but bitterness was lowest. As a result, the Pg3 subfraction of the white ginseng chloroform fraction showed the largest variation in taste. Medium pressure liquid chromatography of the white ginseng chloroform fraction led to the isolation of two phytosterols, which were identified as -sitosterol and daucosterol by spectral analysis. Additional study of these compounds on taste should be conducted.
doi:10.5897/ajb12.783 fatcat:g65k3nxmjfgzxp4jqpntbyz5nm