Synthesis of novel 8 × 8 beam‐forming network for broadband multibeam antenna array

Ivan Fanyaev, Ihar Faniayeu
2021 International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering  
Synthesis of a novel 8 Â 8 beam-forming network (BFN) for broadband multibeam antenna arrays in the X-band has been proposed. The synthesized BFN has 6 less path crossings than a classic Butler matrix. The BFN design is realized using basic elements such as slot-line transition and magic-Ts. A numerical simulation for the analysis of the frequency characteristics of the proposed BFN is carried out. In addition, we offer a design of an eight-channel multibeam antenna array consisting of the
more » ... esized BFN and Vivaldi antennas. Eight spatial beams cover approximately 120 in the azimuth plane with a peak gain of 12 dB in the range of 8.3-11.7 GHz. The proposed broadband multibeam antenna array has good performance, compactness, and ease of fabrication that would be an attractive candidate for radar, satellite communication, and wireless computer networks.
doi:10.1002/mmce.22970 fatcat:udxsmmzyizdfhi2aoezc4y4u2e