Capture Cross Sections and Radiative Emission-Line Strengths for Slow Ne8+ Collisions with He and H2

Anthony Leung, Tom Kirchner
2019 Atoms  
The Ne8+–He and –H2 collision systems are examined at impact speeds ranging between 0.17 and 0.4 a.u. Transition probabilities for electron capture are obtained using the two-center basis generator method performed within the independent-electron model. The aim of calculating capture cross sections for these collision systems is to provide new theoretical verification of previously reported experimental data and to provide aid for astrophysical X-ray studies. This study also examines the
more » ... bility of the independent-electron model with effective potentials to describe two-electron capture for these two systems. Comparisons of capture cross sections and radiative-emission counts with the available experimental and theoretical data show an overall good agreement.
doi:10.3390/atoms7010015 fatcat:aoqrkszapnhcbmnvb7pix27jxy