Paravertebral Block and Thoracotomy: Review Article

Omima Emad Eldin Mohamed, Ahmed Elsaied AbdElrahman, Ayman Mohamed Abd Elghaffar, Ahmed Talaat Mohamed, Asmaa Saad Eldin Farghaly, Wael Alham Mahmoud
2021 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine  
First described paravertebral block (PVB) to provide abdominal analgesia in 1905. This technique has been modified for rib fracturing, flail chest, hepatic-biliary operations, open cholecystectomy, inguinal hernia repair, breast tumors operations and thoracotomies. PVB was shown to be as successful as thoracic epidural analgesia with less minimal complications in recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Objective: To evaluate the effect of paravertebral block and Thoracotomy to the other
more » ... hnique in issues analgesia, complications. Conclusion: Paravertebral block is a very useful regional anaesthetic technique for surgeries, Paravertebral block was shown to be as successful as thoracic epidural analgesia with less minimal complications.
doi:10.21608/ejhm.2021.189842 fatcat:csorgqjctfgl3kbjp5nj37j6si