The Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Eugenia Caryophllata Essential Oil: An animal model of anti-inflammatory activity

Abdurrahman Öztürk, Hanefi Özbek
2005 European Journal of General Medicine  
Aim: The aim of this study is gas chromatographic analysis of Eugenia caryaphyllata (clove) essential oil and investigation of its anti-inflammatory effects. Methods: The study involved eight groups; Serum physiologic, ethyl alcohol, indomethacin (3 mg/kg), etodolac (50 mg/kg), cardamom (0.05 mL/kg), EC-I (0.025 mL/kg), EC-II (0.050 mL/kg), EC-III (0.100 mL/kg) and EC-IV (0.200mL/kg). After measuring the volumes of right hind-paws of rats using a plethysmometer, drugs were injected
more » ... ally and lambda-carrageenan were injected subcutaneously into the plantar region. Three hours after the injections the volume measurements of the right hind-paws were repeated and the difference between the volumes were compared. Results: The composition of the essential oil was as follows: ß-caryophyllen % 44.7, eugenol % 44.2, α-humulen % 3.5, eugenyl acetate % 1.3 and α-copaen % 1.0. It was found that indomethazin reduced the inflammation by 95.70%, etodolac by 43.42 %, EC-I by 46.55 %, EC-II by 90.15 %, EC-III by 66.94 % and EC-IV by 82.78 %. The essential oil of Eugenia caryophyllata had an anti-inflammatory effect matching to that of etodolac at 0.025 and 0.1 mL/kg and to that of indomethacin at 0.05 and 0.2 mL/kg doses. Conclusion: As a result Eugenia caryophyllata essential oil extract was shown to have an antiinflammatory effect.
doi:10.29333/ejgm/82334 fatcat:ulhsi7tpdvgeph5t3ldsnssica