Nanaimo Free Press [Thursday, July 26, 1900] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Thf Tr»yelling ReprewntHtiv** of Shredded Wheat # Biscuits # Will be ftt Our Store ('oiiimencmK FRIDAY. JULY 20th, 1900. when vre nhAll be pleneed to have you call and try tbe famous Shredded Wheat Biscuits and learn of the mtny ways in which they ru ty be utilized in prepar-iuK dainty dishes. At the same time you are re.jue«t«Hi to look over our -[-^Seasonable Groceries which aloii« with Shredded Wheat Biscuits will add to your domestic happiness. Our Cf*K>kery and Olassware Departments should
more » ... be visited to be apprwiated. ____ »»» A. R. Johnston & Co. WHOLltAL* AHO RETAIL OROOER8, Oor. RasMon and Oommercial Eta. Potatoes Onions Apples *McMILLAN'8J TBB.tiBBAP amoamA lanaiin® J^rtt 1ms.
doi:10.25316/ir-8633 fatcat:6gfny7qd7zegtj5mfr2zcmul54