On grounds of executive compensation regulation

Akihito Imai
2020 Journal of Japan Society for Business Ethics Study  
This paper examines the grounds of executive compensation regulation. The growing gap in pay between CEOs and ordinary workers has been the subject of much debate and has led policymakers to review and strengthen regulations such as pay ratio disclosure and surcharge. However, concerns about regulations have attracted attention partly because of a lack of specific objective and little in the way of the legislative history of the regulations. This paper describes and discusses some potential
more » ... nds that can explain why these regulations be suitable. Specifically, the harm principle, the offence principle and legal moralism are examined. While the harm principle still works, the offence principle and legal moralism are not flawless.
doi:10.20664/jabes.27.0_267 fatcat:p7jxscakkveg7h6bdpqlpl3vie