Review: cannabinoids and codeine have similar effects on pain relief, but cannabinoids commonly cause psychotropic adverse effects

B. M Kinzbrunner
2002 Evidence-Based Medicine  
QUESTION: What are the effectiveness and safety of cannabinoids for pain management? Data sources Full publications of studies were identified by searching Medline (1966 to 1999), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica (1974 to 1999), the Oxford Pain Database (1950 to 1994), and the Cochrane Library (1999, Issue 3) with the terms marijuana, marihuana, mariuana, cannabis, cannabinoids, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), delta-9-THC, nabilone, pain, analgesia, and random. Bibliographies of relevant studies were scanned.
doi:10.1136/ebm.7.1.24 fatcat:vd6gjpb5tfggdicr2lkfgk3xpu