Decoupling Analysis of the Tiltable Wheel Load Measuring Plate

Xintong ZHAO, Guodong ZHANG, Xiaodong LU, Xijun ZHANG
2013 Sensors & Transducers  
Tire force can be divided into normal force and tangential force when the vehicle is in tilting condition, the general load cell can't differentiate these two signals accurately. This paper introduces a portable wheel load measuring plate which is characterized by integrating the strain gauge with the upper platform and can be used in tilting condition. In order to decoupling these signals from component of forces, the structure of the upper platform is optimized and analyzed by commercial FEA
more » ... oftware. Experimental results show that the maximal measuring error cause by eccentric load is 1.49 % and the maximal measuring error caused by tilting error is 2.49 %.
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