Prolonged Harvest Time on Amniotic Cell Culture: Is it Offer Important in Prediction of Fetuses with Trisomies?

Rengin Karataylı, Kazım Gezginç, Ayşe Gül Zamanı, Selman Yıldırım, Dilay Gök, Ali Acar
2012 Gorm  
OBJECTIVE: In this study, it was objected to investigate the difference in harvest time of amniotic fluids obtained at amniocentesis of normal and trisomic fetuses. STUDY DESIGN: 113 samples of amniotic fluid were obtained at amniocentesis procedures carried out for several indications at Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department between August 2010 to August 2011. Harvest time on amniotic cell culture was both evaluated and compared in 100
more » ... les with normal genetic results and 13 samples with trisomy results. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between normal and trisomic groups regarding age, gravidity, parity, and gestational week at amniocentesis (p>0.05). Mean harvest time in cultures of amniotic fluids obtained from genetically normal fetuses was 15.84±2.12 days (12-22 days), whereas it was 15.80± 2.47 days (13-20 days) in cultures of amniotic fluids obtained from trisomic gestations. There was no statistically significant difference between groups regarding intervals to harvest. CONCLUSION: In this study, initial hypothesis was that there may be a possible association of prolonged harvest time with trisomic chromosomal aberrations. Our results concluded that harvest time does not differ between normal and trisomic amniotic fluid cultures.
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