Detecting and preventing intruders by image processing

Motonori Doi, Akio Ueda, Kosuke Sato, Kunihiro Chihara
1997 ITE Technical Report  
The prevention of illegal iiLtruding into buildings is very important. This pape エ presents two security systems for the prevention of illegal intruding using image processi 皿 g , One is an intluder detection system using infrared c ε era and range 且nder , and ano も her is alock − control system using face identification .1皿 the intruder detection system , 且rst , the intruder is judged by comparing his silhouette With human features dictionamy , and measuring the height ofintruder using a range
more » ... data. Secondly , the intruder is tracked by its motio 皿 vector , size and average intensity . The lock − control systeln identify a face features in normalized face image for judgment whether it should unlock a door or not . Experiments show that these system is suitable fbr automated security syste 皿 s
doi:10.11485/itetr.21.42.0_7 fatcat:xea2dokmkjfvrctdxj2quzy7iq