Ultrasonographic Finding in Anterior Displacement of Abomasum in A Cow
Bir Sığırda Anterior Abomazum Deplasmanının Ultrasonografik Bulgusu

Mahmut OK, Ramazan YILDIZ, Amir NASERİ
2014 Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi  
In this case report, the ultrasonographic appearance of the abomasum, changes in some biochemical and blood gases parameters in a cow with anterior abomasal displacement (ADA) were described. Hyperbasemia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia and hyperlactatemia in the cow with anterior abomasal displacement was detected. Displaced abomasum was imaged approximately 10 cm cranial of the xyphoid process from the left and and right paramedian regions and from the ventral abdomen midline, immediately caudal
more » ... the reticulum. This aim of case report was to contribute to the litature data for anterior abomasal displacement that can be also rare in cows.
doi:10.9775/kvfd.2013.9846 fatcat:ccrueb5jprfqzfwis6f4xgpwri