Study of Aspects Facilitating «Lifelong Learning» Competence Development in High School Students

Olga Matvieieva, Nataliia Ovcharenko, Anna Korchagina, Olena Kuznetsova, Valentyna Grineva
2019 Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala  
The "lifelong learning" competence is considered in the article as an integrated ability of an individual, incorporating knowledge, skills and habits that students acquire during schooling, as well as certain qualities that ensure their readiness for further learning, socialization and personal growth. Success-oriented motivation and success in learning are determined as the essential prerequisites for the "lifelong learning" competence development in high school learners. The article presents
more » ... he results of an empirical study of the correlation between success-oriented motivation, high school students' academic self-regulation and their success in learning. The experimental assessment was carried out in two different types of institutions of secondary education (the general secondary school, the lyceum). To carry out the diagnostic assessment of 9th grade students (n = 134, age 13–15 years) the adaptation of the method of motivating students to achieve success, the method of «Academic self-regulation» and the technique of hubristic motivation diagnostic assessment were used. It has been determined that high level indicators of internalization and exteriorization are more evident in lyceum students, confirming their desire for self-development, self-improvement and self-education. The existence of direct correlation between the external regulation of learning activity and the motivation oriented to preventing failure, and between the internal motivation and success-oriented motivation has been proved.The peculiarities of the success-oriented motivation and academic self-regulation of high school students of different types of schools (general secondary school, lyceum) have been specified. The study has confirmed that the motives of the internal success-oriented motivation of high school students have a greater impact on their achievements in learning than the motives of external motivation and are more valuable for "lifelong learning" competence development.
doi:10.18662/rrem/124 fatcat:eqwqdoitbng3nh4vvv6s56ou6e