Hippocampal replay of experience at real-world speeds [article]

Eric L. Denovellis, Anna K. Gillespie, Michael E. Coulter, Kenneth Kay, Marielena Sosa, Jason E. Chung, Uri T. Eden, Loren M. Frank
2020 bioRxiv   pre-print
Representations of past and possible future experiences play a critical role in memory and decision-making processes. The hippocampus expresses these types of representations during sharp-wave ripple (SWR) events, and previous work identified a minority of SWRs that contain "replay" of spatial trajectories at ~20x real-world speeds. Efforts to understand replay typically make multiple assumptions about which events to examine and what sorts of representations constitute replay. We therefore
more » ... a clear understanding of both the prevalence and the range of representational dynamics associated with replay. Here we develop a state space model that uses a combination of movement dynamics of different speeds to capture the spatial content and time evolution of replay during SWRs. Using this model, we find that the large majority of replay events contain spatially coherent, interpretable content. Furthermore, most events progress at real-world, rather than accelerated, movement speeds, consistent with actual experiences.
doi:10.1101/2020.10.20.347708 fatcat:lnom73nb75bhhnkdiuttmfoewu