Estimation of non-additive genetic variances in three synthetic lines of beef cattle using an animal model2

F. A. Rodríguez-Almeida, L. D. Van Vleck, R. L. Willham, S. L. Northcutt
1995 Journal of Animal Science  
Dominance and additive x additive genetic variances were estimated for birth and weaning traits of calves from three synthetic lines of beef cattle differing in mature size. Data consisted of 3,992 and 2,877 records from lines of small-, medium-, and large-framed calves in each of two research herds located at Rhodes and McNay, IA, respectively. Variance components were estimated separately by herd and line for birth weight (BWT), birth hip height ( B H ) , 205-d weight (WW), and 205-d hip
more » ... t (W H j by derivative-free REML with an animal P in other variance components estimates when day was relative estimates of this component were high ( .2 1 to
doi:10.2527/1995.7341002x pmid:7628942 fatcat:vcttqlyoi5edtk7el5o2gaj6ry