Research on an offsite center of buildings and underground malls around a major terminal station as a measure for a district disaster prevention at the time of great natural disasters
大災害時におけるターミナル駅周辺地区および地下街のエリア防災対策としてのオフサイトセンターに関する研究 (第11報)BCD電源システムと既存地域熱供給システムとの連携の可能性の検討

深澤 英一, 山田 哲寛, 田中 翔大, 村上 公哉, 竹林 芳久, 原 英嗣, 堀 英祐
2018 Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan  
At the time of the Tohoku Earthquake, stranded persons were staying in the underground shopping area around the terminal. Even in the case of a large scale earthquake, it is expected that many people who are unable to return home, and business functions are suspended. Therefore, I planned a BCD power supply system as an energy backup system.
doi:10.18948/shasetaikai.2018.10.0_141 fatcat:kytvipvfy5dzvkv4tii6twnovm