Saurabh Deochake, Suresh Sarode, Shashank Kanth, Vidyasagar Potdar, Subhadip Chakraborty, Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay
2012 Proceedings of the CUBE International Information Technology Conference on - CUBE '12  
This paper proposes a framework for a full fledged negotiation system that allows multi party multi issue negotiation. It focuses on the negotiation protocol to be observed and provides a platform for concurrent and independent negotiation on individual issues using the concept of multi threading. It depicts the architecture of an agent detailing its components. The paper sets forth a hierarchical pattern for the multiple issues concerning every party. The system also provides enhancements such
more » ... as the time-to-live counters for every advertisement, refinement of utility considering non-functional attributes, prioritization of issues, by assigning weights to issues.
doi:10.1145/2381716.2381840 dblp:conf/cube/DeochakeSKPCM12 fatcat:ioscjtwigvbgvfxvamzucutwde