Spin-orbit coupling driven orbital-selective doping effect in Sr2Ru1−xIrxO4

Junyoung Kwon, Beom Seo Kim, Mi Kyung Kim, Jonathan Denlinger, Aaron Bostwick, Eli Rotenberg, Nara Lee, Hwan Young Choi, Jae Young Moon, Young Jai Choi, Junsik Mun, Miyoung Kim (+3 others)
2021 Physical review B  
Orbital-selective phenomena in mutliorbital systems have received much attention due to their uniqueness as well as possible connections to other phenomena. As orbital-selectiveness is mostly related to the crystal structure, finding a new control parameter other than structure would be of significant importance. Here we report discovery of an orbital-selective doping effect in Sr 2 Ru 1−x Ir x O 4 (SRIO). Our systematic electronic structure study of SRIO reveals an anomalous orbital-selective
more » ... oping effect and concomitant Lifshitz transitions (LTs) in the γ band. With the help of a tight-binding calculation, we find that the orbital-selective doping effect is due to variation in the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) strength. Our findings not only elucidate the mechanism of LTs in the γ band in SRIO but may also open new avenues for novel SOC-controlled orbital-selective phenomena.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.103.l081104 fatcat:2sx5fhx35zc7vj6sedjncj7ywy