Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep Grafik Fungsi Trigonometri Siswa SMK melalui Penemuan Terbimbing Berbantuan Software Autograph

Sahat Saragih, Vira Afriati
2012 Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan  
This research is aimed to know 1) if the increase of student's conceptual understanding on trigonometric function graph through guided inquiry using Autograph software is greater than those with usual approach, 2) how the student's mastery in learning and student's learning activity are. This is an experimental research conducted in SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra and SMK Sandhy Putra II Medan (tourism group) with the population are all the students in grade XI of the schools and two classes from each
more » ... chool were randomly taken as samples. t -test is applied to analyze the normalized gain of students' conceptual understanding. The research shows that the increase of student's conceptual understanding on trigonometric function graph through guided inquiry using Autograph software is greater than those with usual approach, 2) the mastery in learning and learning activity of students implementing guided inquiry using Autograph is greater than those with usual approach So, teachers should apply guided inquiry approach using Autograph as one of learning approach alternatives.
doi:10.24832/jpnk.v18i4.95 fatcat:sbafotizxzgvfhvuolbrvwtpuy