Role of HRCT in evaluation of Interstitial Lung Disease

Kajal Tyagi
2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Abstract: In this study, HRCT is the examination technique of choice as it is quickly accomplished, readily available and does not require ancillary studies using other imaging technologies in most cases. In this given study, A total of 40 patients were included in which 16 patients were found to be having ILDs , there were 10 male patients (62.5%) and 6 were female patients i.e., (37.5%) of total number of patients .Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis were found in 3 (18.75%) patients, Usual
more » ... tial pneumonia in 2 (12.5%) patients, Chronic Hypersensitive pneumonitis in 1 (6.25%) patient , Fibrotic hypersensitive pneumonitis in 4 (25%) patients and Pulmonary interstitial edema in 6 (37.5%). The maximum patients were found in pulmonary interstitial edema and minimum patients in Chronic Hypersensitive pneumonitis, the highest number of patients with interstitial lung disease were from the 60-80 Years age group category, which was 8 Out of 16 i.e. 50% of the total number of the patients and no patients were found from the age group 0-18 years age group and 80-100 years age group.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2021.39683 fatcat:y3clehn4nzcaldc5666wzkjs7u